Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Father Who Raped 14yo Daughter & Her Friend Pleads Not Guilty In Court

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A father who works as a sugar cane seller is facing 67 charges for raping his 14-year-old daughter and her friend at the Sessions Court today, 24 February.

As reported by Harian Metro, South Klang District Police Chief Assistant Commissioner Shamsul Amar Ramli said that the 42-year-old suspect would face 58 charges of raping his daughter, and nine charges of raping his daughter’s friend.

According to Shamsul, the incident of raping his daughter happened when his daughter was 10 years old at the time, while the second victim, his daughter’s friend was raped in August 2020 to January before the suspect was finally arrested on 10 February.

“The investigation paper has been referred to the Deputy Public Prosecutor and has been instructed to charge the suspect according to Section 376 (1) and Section 376B (1) of the Penal Code,” Shamsul said.

“Preliminary investigation found that the suspect has a previous record involving crime and drugs,” he said.

Shamsul said that the friend of the suspect’s daughter lodged a police report after the suspect allegedly raped her at a house on 7 January.

As soon as the daughter realised that her friend had made a police report, she too went to the police station with her mother to lodge a police report.

“The second child of among five siblings said that suspect had raped her since she was 10 years old,” he explained.

At court today, the suspect pleaded not guilty. Based on all the charges that were read out, the accused will face a sentence of 1,830 years in prison if convicted.

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Source: Twitter
Source: iStock

The post Father Who Raped 14yo Daughter & Her Friend Pleads Not Guilty In Court appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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