Friday, February 19, 2021

Israel Gives Free Food To Attract Its People To The Covid-19 Vaccination Centre

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Getting yourself vaccinated can be very unnerving. Even for those who agree to take it, the worry of suffering from any side effects are still there. For those who don’t believe in the vaccine, it is almost impossible to convince them otherwise. The reality is, going through the procedures and getting vaccinated is kind of scary.

This is why the health authorities in Israel has come up with a great approach to attract its people to go to the vaccination centres. How? Well, by giving its residents free pizza, hummus, pastries and coffee. According to Reuters, although Israel is leading the way when it comes to Covid-19 vaccinations, there still a number of the people who are worried and unconvinced about the whole procedure.

So thanks to free pizza, hummus and knafeh – a sweet Middle Eastern dessert made with filo pastry and coffee, a lot of people showed up for the vaccine drive. Lizi Kritzer, a 32-year-old municipality worker, said,

“We came to get vaccinated, until now we were worried but because of the upcoming restrictions, (against people who don’t vaccinate) there was not much choice and it’s also very nice to get pizza and a coffee.”

As of now, almost 43% of the total population have at least received one dose of the vaccine and Israel is looking to relax its lockdown regulations. Vaccination will begin in Malaysia soon and we do need to convince a large number of people who are having doubts about the vaccine. Maybe this is one approach for the ministry to take because as we all know, Malaysians love food.


Also read: “Can I still get infected?” Here’s What You Need To Know About The Covid-19 Vaccination

Source: Reuters
Source: Reuters
Source: Reuters

The post Israel Gives Free Food To Attract Its People To The Covid-19 Vaccination Centre appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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