Thursday, March 4, 2021

Customer Asks For Extra Pocket On 20-Pocket Wallet As 21 Is Her “Lucky Number”

The post Customer Asks For Extra Pocket On 20-Pocket Wallet As 21 Is Her “Lucky Number” appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

Most of the people who work front desk jobs have to face a range of customers. Unfortunately, not all of them are nice.

Recently, a handbag retailer, Rachel Smith published a Facebook post sharing a screenshot of a conversation between them and a customer.

In the caption of the post, the seller said,

“出的来行,迟早要还。 这些年当客服的除了要服务好,回答还要有创意! (What comes around, goes around. Nowadays, good customer service means you don’t just provide good service but you’re also required to respond to customers creatively.)

The seller also inserted a few hashtags into her post that said:

“#我们遇过的外星顾客 (We’ve all encountered “Alien” customers)”

“#该如何回答 #客服快往生了 (How should we reply?/Customer service is about to die)

As you can see from the screenshot of the conversation, the customer actually requested for the seller to modify the number of pockets in the wallet as the fortune-teller told her that her lucky number is 21, not 20.

The conversation between the seller and the customer went as followed:

Seller: *sent an image of the long wallets

Customer: Can I know there are how many pockets in total inside the long wallet?

Seller: Dear, this model consists of 20 pockets in each wallet.

Customer: Har.. but my fortune-teller told me that my lucky number is 21 leh.. Can you customise a wallet that consists of 21 pockets for me, please?

Seller: Dear, it is fixed already.

The frustrated seller almost sent a text asking the customer to contact the manufacturing factory herself but didn’t go through with it. Picky customers can be a real pain!

Have you guys experienced any customer horror stories? Let us know what are your thoughts on this story in the comment section!


Also read: “It’s too small!” Customer Complains That She Can’t Insert Cards Horizontally Into Wallet



The post Customer Asks For Extra Pocket On 20-Pocket Wallet As 21 Is Her “Lucky Number” appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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