Thursday, March 4, 2021

Police Investigate Fake COVID-19 Vaccines Sold Online, Losses Amounting Up To RM285,499

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Two police reports have been lodged in regards to a rip-off involving the sale of COVID-19 vaccines online. This scam has resulted in losses amounting up to RM285,499.

According to Bernama, Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department director Datuk Zainuddin Yaacob said the case is being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code.

“Police have noticed the advertisement that went viral on social media regarding the sale of the COVID-19 vaccine online and the business operator has issued a statement to deny it,” he said.

Zainuddin also said as announced by the government, the COVID-19 vaccines were provided for free.

Any offer to sell the vaccines by any party is an irresponsible act and possibly a scam.

“The public is also advised to always follow announcements and instructions issued by the government from time to time in ensuring accurate information is obtained related to this vaccination program,” said Zainuddin.

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Also Read: Here’s How You Can Start Registering For The Covid-19 Vaccine On MySejahtera

Source: CGTN

The post Police Investigate Fake COVID-19 Vaccines Sold Online, Losses Amounting Up To RM285,499 appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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