Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Video: Man Caught Inconsiderately Throwing Out Trash From Car All In Penang Parking Lot

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Trash cans exist for a reason, guys. 

A man was recently caught on camera inconsiderately emptying out large amounts of trash from his car in Penang onto a clean public parking lot.

In the video, the suspect can be seen standing in a pile of trash that he emptied from his vehicle while casually rearranging the belongings in his car before getting back into it to presumably drive away.

MBPP akan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap seorang lelaki yang didakwa membuang sampah dari keretanya yang diparkir di tempat meletak kenderaan di Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling, Georgetown.

MBPP AKAN AMBIL TINDAKAN TEGAS KE ATAS PEMANDU BEZZA BUANG SAMPAH DI ATAS JALANMajlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang (MBPP) akan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap seorang lelaki yang didakwa membuang sampah dari keretanya yang diparkir di tempat meletak kenderaan.MBPP memberi maklum balas demikian susulan tularnya sebuah video yang memaparkan gelagat seorang lelaki sedang membersihkan keretanya dan selamba membuang sampah di petak parkir di Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling, Georgetown."MBPP memandang serius dan tindakan yang tegas akan diambil ke atas mana-mana individu yang mengotorkan bandar raya kita."Tindakan di bawah Seksyen 47(1)(e) Akta Parit, Jalan dan Bangunan 1974 yang membawa hukuman denda sehingga RM500 boleh dikenakan kepada orang yang melakukan kesalahan. Sabitan kedua atau kali kemudian boleh didenda sehingga RM1,000," tulisnya dalam catatan di Facebook.MBPP juga menyarankan orang ramai untuk menjadi 'mata dan telinga' dengan melaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa agar sama-sama bertanggungjawab memelihara kebersihan bandar.

Posted by Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS on Wednesday, March 24, 2021

After footage of the man went viral on 22 March, Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang (MBPP) took to their Facebook to call out the man and indict him for his offence. “The actions of the man who threw out a lot of rubbish from his car onto the road is deeply regrettable and should not have happened,” read the statement.

“MBPP views this as a serious offence and stern action will be taken against any individual who dirties our city.”

The statement added that the offence which is classified under Section 47(1)(e) of the Drainage, Road and Building Act 1974 could result in the offender being fined as much as RM500. If it is a repeated offence, the offender could be fined as much as RM1,000.

MBPP advised the public to be the ‘eyes and ears’ of authorities to report such wrongdoings and practice their social responsibility in keeping the city clean.

While nobody likes a dirty car, it’s your responsibility as a car owner to keep your vehicle clean and dispose of trash responsibly. What do you guys think of this? 


Also read: Attention Malaysians! Here’s How You Can Easily Swap Your Trash For Some Extra Cash

The post Video: Man Caught Inconsiderately Throwing Out Trash From Car All In Penang Parking Lot appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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