Monday, April 12, 2021

[DONE] iPhone 11 Pro With Misaligned Logo Is One In 100 Million & About To Be Sold For RM16,949!

The post [DONE] iPhone 11 Pro With Misaligned Logo Is One In 100 Million & About To Be Sold For RM16,949! appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

An iPhone 11 Pro with a tilted and off-centred Apple logo is one in 100 million (or even rarer) and is about to be sold for $4,100 (RM16,949)!

Based on photos of the phone, the misprinted logo can be seen off center and positioned noticeably to the right. The angle of the logo is also titled slightly anticlockwise.

News about the rare misprint was first posted by Internal Archive on 9 April on Twitter, who said that the phone was sold for $2,700 (RM11,161). However, after getting in touch with the original owner of the phone, the admin of Internal Archive said that the phone has not been sold yet.

Speaking to WORLD OF BUZZ, the admin said that the phone was originally posted on Yahoo auctions Japan and had no bids.

The admin has since been in contact with the phone’s owner and has learned that there is a third party who is interested in purchasing the phone from the owner.

“The phone was purchased from an Apple Store in China and the owner even has the matching serial box to prove its authenticity,” he said.

“The seller is currently asking for $4,100 (RM16,949), but the deal is probably confirmed, and I’m sure you’ll see who the third party is soon!”

iPhone with misprinted logo (left) next to a normal iPhone 11 pro

When asked if the third party was someone well-known, the admin told WORLD OF BUZZ that it is someone “very well-known”.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see who this ‘femes’ person is that is willing to buy a RM16,949 iPhone with a misprinted logo! Would you spend that amount of money on an iPhone? Let us know in the comments below!


Also read: Man Reunited With Phone He Dropped At A Lake Thanks To The Worst Drought In Decades

The post [DONE] iPhone 11 Pro With Misaligned Logo Is One In 100 Million & About To Be Sold For RM16,949! appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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