Wednesday, April 14, 2021

New York Parent Wants To Marry Own Child, Seeks Court Approval To Overturn Rule On Incest

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A parent in New York is hoping to overturn the law to allow a parent to marry their own adult child.

According to New York Post, legal papers have been filed at the Manhattan Federal Court earlier this month as the parent refers to this legal right as a matter of “individual autonomy”.

The parent has also requested to remain anonymous as they are aware their request is “an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant.”

“Through the enduring bond of marriage, two persons, whatever relationship they might otherwise have with one another, can find a greater level of expression, intimacy, and spirituality,” the parent argued in the Manhattan federal court.

“The proposed spouses are adults and are biological parent and child. The proposed spouses are unable to procreate together,” the filings read.

As reported by New York Post, under New York Law, incest is a third-degree felony that is punishable by up to four years behind bars. Incestuous marriages are considered void, with the spouses facing a fine and up to six months in jail.

The parent is seeking approval to walk down the aisle in New York City and is asking a judge to declare the laws on incest as unconstitutional and unenforceable in their case.

The lawsuit filed by the parents was referred to as “PAACNP” which stands for “Parent and Adult Child Non-Procreational” couples.

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Source: India Times
Source: Video Hive

The post New York Parent Wants To Marry Own Child, Seeks Court Approval To Overturn Rule On Incest appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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