Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Ramadhan Bazaars In KL & Seremban Ruined By Bad Weather And Flash Floods

The post Ramadhan Bazaars In KL & Seremban Ruined By Bad Weather And Flash Floods appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

Nowadays, the weather seems a little unpredictable.

As we all know, Ramadhan started on 13 April, the day that kickstarts the fasting month for our Muslim friends. However, on the same day, several Ramadhan bazaars in certain areas had to brave the freakish weather and flash floods.

Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul

Di kala keterujaan peniaga memulakan jualan bazar Ramadan di Wangsa…

Posted by BERNAMA on Tuesday, 13 April 2021

In this video, we can see that a leg of the tent had fallen to the ground probably due to the strong winds. This tilted the tent and caused a huge amount of food to spill on the ground, soaked by rainwater. Three women tried their best to pick up the fish balls and tofu while a few men corrected their tents. It is said that this scene happened in Wangsa Maju.

Bazar Garden Homes Seremban 2 Dinaiki Air.Semoga Para Peniaga Bertabah dengan Ujian Ramadhan Tahun ini.

Cuaca hujan lebat sekitar Banjir Kilat.
hati Hati yang memandu

Posted by Negeri Sembilan kini on Tuesday, 13 April 2021

In Seremban, the flash floods hit when stores in the Ramadhan bazaar were preparing to open up for business. Some of them looked dejected at the sight of the floodwaters. The waters were high enough that vehicles were unable to pass through. However, in the span of a few hours, the floodwaters receded and the stalls were able to make some sales.

We certainly hope that the weather situation improves for the sake of these bazaar sellers. Fasting is certainly not an easy process and a lot of people rely on bazaars to break their fast.


Also read: Video: Glass Window At KL Building Shatters Due To Strong Wind Amidst Rainstorm

The post Ramadhan Bazaars In KL & Seremban Ruined By Bad Weather And Flash Floods appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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