Thursday, April 15, 2021

Woman Makes Korean Tabloid Edits For Sister’s Engagement To Shut Up Nosy Relatives

The post Woman Makes Korean Tabloid Edits For Sister’s Engagement To Shut Up Nosy Relatives appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

Ah, relatives…they just have to know everything don’t they?

Somehow at every stage of life, there’s either one particular relative or a group of relatives who are so intent on knowing what your life plans are. When you’re younger, it’s what do you want to study? After that, it evolves to when do you want to get married?

These sisters from the US killed two birds with one stone by using their love for Korean media to shut their relatives up. Facebook user Melody Herr shared in the subtle asian traits group how she edited her sister’s engagement pictures to look just like those Korean tabloids and gossip magazines.

“It’s official! Both Mary Herr and Charles Vang have confirmed that they’re engaged! On 6 October 2020, Vang’s agency stated “Charles and Mary were driving over to the Vang residence when he proposed.”

“The agency added, “We ask that you look warmly upon their engagement and cheer them on in the future. Herr’s agency similarly confirmed “The two of them got engaged six months ago.”

Speaking to WORLD OF BUZZ, Melody said she first pitched the idea to her sister after their uncle questioned her on when her sister was getting married. Melody and her sister both agreed that they were tired of getting asked this question and wanted to have fun with it.

“I felt that many of my relatives always lurked and questioned when my sister and her fiancee would make their next move. Hence, I got the idea to take their engagement announcement photos as paparazzi pictures since people always seemed to be in their business.”

She added that both of them are big fans of K-pop and Korean media so that’s why they thought it would be funny to set up the photos as paparazzi shots. Overall, she just wanted to make people laugh and give the message that her sister is getting married and for people to stop asking them when.

Despite the stellar edits, Melody said that the wedding hasn’t been planned yet due to the pandemic but she reassured us that she will be updating the public on the date! They just didn’t expect that people would react to the pictures so positively.

Kudos to Melody for producing these edits and subtly shutting up her relatives. Let us know what you think about this!


Also read: Internet’s Latest Thirst Trap Is A Ripped Korean ‘Selling’ Watermelons On The Streets of Saigon

The post Woman Makes Korean Tabloid Edits For Sister’s Engagement To Shut Up Nosy Relatives appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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