Friday, May 21, 2021

“Do you think this is easy?” M’sian Frontliners Almost Faint After Working Under Hot Sun

The post “Do you think this is easy?” M’sian Frontliners Almost Faint After Working Under Hot Sun appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

“For those who keep saying that MOH is manipulating data and swab tests, do you think we like staying under the hot sun, facing this trauma?”

With the recent upsurge in cases, Malaysian frontliners can’t help but admit their exhaustion especially with the sheer number of patients.  Twitter user Jery Alif Haiqal (@kangjery97) shared a video of how the frontliners in charge of swab testing had to be splashed with water after they almost fainted from working under the hot sun for a long period of time.

Jery used the video to call out some irresponsible people who insist that the Ministry of Health (KKM) is manipulating the actual number of infected patients.

“You don’t have to see small children crying out in pain when they get swab tested. Do you know how traumatic that is?

These people will only trust that the pandemic is real when it infects their family members. Don’t be selfish please!”

Speaking to WORLD OF BUZZ, Jery who works as a Public Health Assistant in Johor said that at first it was definitely tiring and overwhelming as they had to even employ manpower from other departments but at some point, they just felt numb after handling such a magnitude of cases.

Jery also added that even if Malaysians are angry at certain groups of people due to the pandemic, please follow SOPs and just stay home at least for the sake of the frontliners.

“Keep praying for us. It may seem like nothing to you but it means so much to us.”

If anything, let’s take care of ourselves to help our overworked frontliners. Please stay home and stay safe!


Also read: “It’s gonna get worse” M’sian Frontliner Shares A Glimpse Of What Goes On At Hospitals Every Day

The post “Do you think this is easy?” M’sian Frontliners Almost Faint After Working Under Hot Sun appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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