Wednesday, May 19, 2021

“Fill up your petrol till full tank!” KKM Shares Tips For M’sians To Practice Self-Lockdown

The post “Fill up your petrol till full tank!” KKM Shares Tips For M’sians To Practice Self-Lockdown appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

As the cases rise, we’ve got to do whatever’s needed!

When Malaysia recorded 6,075 cases yesterday (19 May), it’s safe to say the pandemic fear nestled back safely into the minds of Malaysians. While many have been demanding for the government to implement a full lockdown similar to the MCO 1.0, there have also been some who said that the implementation of such a lockdown would negatively impact the nation’s economy.

With all these discourses, the Ministry of Health (KKM) posted a couple of tips on their Facebook page on how Malaysians can practice “self-lockdown” as what the citizens of Taipei have been doing. KKM’s tips include:

1. Only going to the market or grocery store to get your essentials once a week

2. Filling up your car’s petrol tank until it’s full

3. Praying together with your family

4. Prioritise shopping online

5. Zero guests

KKM also reminded the public to not shake anyone’s hands or even hug and maintain a physical distance of at least one metre at all times. Eating together in close proximity with people without fulfilling the one-metre physical distancing requirement is not allowed.

“Do not be with others in an enclosed area for more than 15 minutes even if they are all wearing face masks.”

How have you been taking care of yourselves with this sudden surge in cases? Let us know in the comments section!


Also read: Empty Streets In Taipei As Citizens Practice “Self-Lockdown”

The post “Fill up your petrol till full tank!” KKM Shares Tips For M’sians To Practice Self-Lockdown appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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