Saturday, May 22, 2021

Health DG Urges Public To Practice Self-Lockdown As Health System Is Under Great Pressure

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While some are worried about what to eat for the next meal during the MCO, our frontliners are mentally and physically exhausted from taking care of the Covid-19 patients.

Malaysia’s Health Director-General Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham bin Abdullah is urging the public to practice self-lockdown as the recent Covid-19 cases and deaths are rapidly surging, and the health system is facing overwhelming pressure.

In one of his posts on Facebook on 22 May 2021, Dr Noor Hisham mentioned that the ICU bed usage in Klang Valley has reached 113 per cent. Because of this, the other areas of the hospital such as the normal wards have been repurposed to treat ICU patients temporarily.

The wards are fully packed with patients and the frontliners are all in their PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) in the photos shown.

The hospitals are still waiting for more beds with specific medical equipment to be completed. “The virus is already in the community. Obey the SOP and stay at home if there’s no important business outside,” Dr Noor Hisham added.

Besides, Dr Noor Hisham also urges the public to practice self-lockdown to break the Covid-19 chain. In another post, he also added that the frontliners are mentally and physically exhausted, and urges the public once again to help the Ministry of Health by practising self-lockdown or “family lockdown”.

As the Covid-19 cases increase recently, more patients of category 4 and 5 require the use of beds with critical treatments or ICU. Therefore, please think about the frontliners, patients and your loved ones and follow the government’s SOPs at all times.


Also Read: MCO 3.0 Just Got Tighter! Here’s Everything You Need To Know About The Latest SOPs

The post Health DG Urges Public To Practice Self-Lockdown As Health System Is Under Great Pressure appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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