Saturday, May 22, 2021

M’sian Shares Wholesome Story Of People Helping His Mother Out At Covid-19 Vaccination Centre

The post M’sian Shares Wholesome Story Of People Helping His Mother Out At Covid-19 Vaccination Centre appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

As the AstraZeneca vaccination program is underway at various locations, stories of the process and experience of Malaysians getting vaccinated is currently making its way on social media.

Sharing his own experience taking his mother for vaccination, netizen Yudistra Darma Dorai shared the more than favourable treatment his mother received at the PWTC Vaccination Centre.

“It was my mum’s appointment today for the AstraZeneca shot and taking her to this would not be easy.”

His mother has asthma, difficulty walking and dementia. The ordeal was indeed tasking on him, as they had to go through long queues. Trouble began as he was about to line up for their shot.

“Just after finding the right queue and getting in line with her usual impeccable timing, my mother needed the loo.”

“I asked a young man in the blue Civil Defence uniform where the toilet was, he answered that it was 400m away. He then just turned around and walked away, irritating me.”

Just as he was about to ask his mother whether she could hold it in, the same young man came back, bringing along with him a wheelchair.

“My mum being prideful, refused the wheelchair. I was about to lose my temper with my mum when the young man signaled me to be quiet.”

“After asking my mother what she used to work as and finding out that she was a teacher, the young man gave her a speech about how she has served the nation and now it is the nation’s turn to give back.”

After getting on the wheelchair, they never had to queue again.

“It was not just for my mum, but for other old folks as well. Golden VIP treatment all the way.”

“My mum felt embarrassed and kept saying sorry every time a queue was held  up for her, and people smiled back with a ‘no problem’.”

“The usherers, medical staff and doctors were all fantastic, and I was told that many of them were volunteers.”

“Rarely in a government milieu have I said “thank you” so much and meant it.”

Well, it is good to know that it all went smoothly in the end. Do you have your own vaccination stories to tell? Do share it with us in the comments section below.


Also read: Do NOT Go To The Vaccination Centre If You Have Any Of These 3 Conditions

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Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

The post M’sian Shares Wholesome Story Of People Helping His Mother Out At Covid-19 Vaccination Centre appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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