Thursday, May 27, 2021

Thai Vet Praises Kind Man Who Brought In An Injured Cockroach That Was Stepped On

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We definitely need more people like this during times like these!

Our initial reaction when see a cockroach is disgust and the overwhelming urge to spray the life force out of it. However, we have to realize that it’s 2021 and everyone deserves a chance to live. The cockroach you kill today might be someone’s father, mother, brother, or sister (this counts if you manage to figure out the gender of the cockroach).

Well, this man from Thailand with a heart of gold proved that his compassion is not limited to certain species. He found a cockroach injured on the side of the road. Instead of ignoring it and going about his day, the man brought the cockroach to a veterinarian nearby reported Morning News TV3.

The veterinarian posted the pictures and insisted that it wasn’t a joke but explained to the man that the chances of the cockroach surviving are only 50/50. The doctor added that this was the first time he received such a case but nothing much could be done except placing the cockroach in an oxygen container to improve its symptoms.

“I allowed the man to bring the cockroach back to take care of it. No treatment fee was charged at all. Despite the strange case, I have healed many different kinds of animals before including lizards and toads.”

Has your perception of cockroaches changed? Let us know in the comments section!


Also read: M’sian Discovers Pillar Covered With Cockroaches During Jog Beside Melaka River

The post Thai Vet Praises Kind Man Who Brought In An Injured Cockroach That Was Stepped On appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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