Friday, May 21, 2021

“The amount doesn’t matter” Kind M’sian Donates First Salary To Mosque Following Mum’s Advice

The post “The amount doesn’t matter” Kind M’sian Donates First Salary To Mosque Following Mum’s Advice appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

We definitely need more Malaysians like these, especially with the times we’re facing.

Growing up, we’re always taught to donate to charity and that there are many people suffering out there but as time passes by, we just get consumed by the chores of life that we forget about these things.

However, that wasn’t the case with this person who donated the little that they had to help other people. Facebook user Pakcik Najib posted a picture of an RM50 note inside the collection box of the local mosque with the touching note.

“Assalamualaikum, this is my first salary. My mom advised me to put it in the mosque collection box. Hopefully, Allah blesses my whole family.”

Speaking to WORLD OF BUZZ, Najib said that the person’s actions are a good reminder for everyone and he hopes it will open their eyes. In this case, Muslims believe that a portion of the money they receive doesn’t actually belong to them and needs to be donated for those in need.

“We don’t have to trouble ourselves by giving a large amount of money but it should be sincerely from the bottom of your heart.”

Kudos to this person for putting the needs of others before them. Let us know what you think about this!


Also read: Poor Woman Gives Up RM29 From Her RM34 Monthly Pension To Help Charity Feed Others

Source: Pakcik Najib

The post “The amount doesn’t matter” Kind M’sian Donates First Salary To Mosque Following Mum’s Advice appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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