Monday, May 10, 2021

“Why is the govt so cruel?!” M’sians Enraged As No Moratorium Extension Offered Despite MCO

The post “Why is the govt so cruel?!” M’sians Enraged As No Moratorium Extension Offered Despite MCO appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

Disclaimer: This piece reflects the writer’s opinion and compiled opinions of others on the subject matter. It does not reflect the opinions or beliefs of WORLD OF BUZZ.

Is this the reason that a certain hashtag about the government is still going around?

Bank Negara Malaysia’s Governor, Datuk Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus, announced today that the comprehensive moratorium will not be re-implemented even though the third Movement Control Order will be implemented starting tomorrow (12 May).

Harian Metro reported that the governor said that the bank will continue to offer repayment assistance to those who need help with bank loans and to customers in need following the latest restrictions.

“Banks are readily available with repayment assistance including a targeted moratorium offered to customers who lost their jobs and had their incomes affected.”

The governor added that those with bank loans can contact various other channels that have been established including the Credit Counseling and Management Agency (AKPK) and BNM Telelink for assistance. Malaysians vented their frustration in the comments section and calling out the government for their cruel ways.

“They locked up the people and let them starve. Cruel!”

“Only idiots would still rely on the Finance Minister to help the rakyat!”

“Pity Malaysians. We have a Finance Minister that’s only good for jogging and riding bicycles.”

The #KerajaanGagal hashtag has also started making rounds once again. Let us know what you think about this!


Also read: Banks May Disagree To Moratorium Extension As It Won’t Be Good For The Economy

Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

The post “Why is the govt so cruel?!” M’sians Enraged As No Moratorium Extension Offered Despite MCO appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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