Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Abusive Man Rams Lorry Into Mother-In-Law’s House After Wife Escapes There With Kids

Damaged house 5

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A man who allegedly abused his wife rammed his car into his mother-in-law’s house after his wife escaped there with her children.

According to Oriental Daily, the incident happened at about 10pm on 28 June. The woman who lives in Skudai could no longer stand her husband’s abuse and decided to take her three children to her mother’s home in Pekan Nanas, Johor.

MCA politician Tan Eng Meng shared in a Facebook post that he received information from Pontian District Council Member, Krishnan Kumar about the incident and went to the location to examine the situation.

Damaged house Two men inspecting house

He said that the woman in her 30s was often abused by her husband, who repeatedly punched her. She sustained bruises on her body as a result of the abuse.

After the woman had escaped to her mother’s home with her children, the man lost his temper and drove a lorry to the house. He then tried to drive into the gate with the intention of trespassing and harassing his wife and children, causing worry to the neighbours nearby.

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Fortunately, no one was hurt as a result of the man’s actions and he was soon arrested by the police. The police were also asked to provide security for the woman and her children, according to Oriental Daily.

Tan Eng Meng said he was informed by Tanjung Piai MP, Wee Jeck Seng to assist in rebuilding the damaged parts of the house.

“In a marriage, it is very normal to have occasional conflicts between husband and wife, but please think twice and do not use violence to solve the problem,” he said in his post.

“Moreover, we should choose communication to resolve the conflict and say no to violence together.”


Also read: M’sian Who Abused Daughter Breaks Down Into Tears While Charges Were Read, Pleads Not Guilty


The post Abusive Man Rams Lorry Into Mother-In-Law’s House After Wife Escapes There With Kids appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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