Sunday, June 27, 2021

Lim Lip Eng Helps Out A Couple Who Only Survived On Tap Water And Crackers For 6 Days

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“We are all in the same boat…” is a phrase that has been uttered a million times since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic to best picture the hardships that everyone has to get through, some even more than others.

Realising this, Kepong Member of Parliament Lim Lip Eng sought to help a couple in need after learning that they were made to survive on only tap water and crackers for six days!

Taking to Twitter, here is his story.

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“A few days ago, a couple came to my community centre asking for help. They told me they have not eaten well for six days, had no clean water, and were made to eat crackers and drink tap water.”

“At first, I was inclined to provide them necessities, but informed me they could do nothing with them as all their cooking utensils were sold off or damaged.”

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Understanding the couple’s plight, he took them out shopping to buy new kitchen appliances.

“When I arrived at their home, they shared that because of the ongoing MCO, life has not been easy.”

“They were struggling so badly that they cannot afford to buy new masks and recycled them instead.”

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To his knowledge, the couple informed that they had problems asking for help from the government, as they were once a victim of a scam.

“Their situation was so dire, that recently the wife almost committed suicide.”

Realising that this is not an isolated case, and many others are just like them, Lim Lip Eng urged members of the public to reach out to him for help.

Let’s hope that Lim Lip Eng’s efforts will trigger a positive trend for everyone to help one another and weather the storm.


Also read: Uncle Kentang Bears Maternity Costs For Delivery Rider’s Wife After He Offered Wedding Rings As Collateral in

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Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

The post Lim Lip Eng Helps Out A Couple Who Only Survived On Tap Water And Crackers For 6 Days appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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