Friday, June 18, 2021

Netizens Impressed By US Ambassador’s Fluency In Bahasa Malaysia

The post Netizens Impressed By US Ambassador’s Fluency In Bahasa Malaysia appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

As Malaysians, we are often proud whenever there are things that represent our country in the most beautiful and amazing ways worth proud of.

In a recent video by the U.S. Embassy Kuala Lumpur via their Facebook page, Ambassador Brian D. McFeeters is shown giving his speech fully in Bahasa Malaysia, sounding just like a Malaysian.

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In the video, the ambassador is seen explaining the details of the recent aid given by the embassy delivered to the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) in Putrajaya including information technology (ICT) equipment that NADMA will use to manage Covid-19 response operations in Malaysia.

According to the ambassador, the donation also includes personal protective equipment (PPE) like facemasks, hand sanitisers and thermometers for frontline workers.

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The video had caught the attention of many praising him for his fluency in speaking the language. One user praised the ambassador for his fluency, adding that some Malaysians don’t know how to speak Bahasa although having been raised in Malaysia.

While another user commented, “Thank you. Your ambassador is amazing. Has great command in Bahasa.”

McFeeters was previously the U.S. ambassador in Jakarta, Indonesia before becoming the ambassador in Malaysia.



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Source: WOB

The post Netizens Impressed By US Ambassador’s Fluency In Bahasa Malaysia appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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