Friday, June 11, 2021

Woman Presumed To Be Dead Was Actually Hiding In Boyfriend’s Room For 10 Years

The post Woman Presumed To Be Dead Was Actually Hiding In Boyfriend’s Room For 10 Years appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

Wait…how do you hide a full-sized person in your room?

Well, love is…complicated. Your fantasy may be to marry the person of your dreams and live with them forever but sometimes life gets in the way. When it does, you can probably take a leaf out of this man’s book and altered his life to fit his love.

In 2010, 24-year-old Rahman and 18-year-old Sajitha were passionate lovers in Kerala without the knowledge of their parents. In February 2010, Sajitha suddenly went missing after leaving her parents’ home to visit a relative. Her distraught parents lodged a police complaint but it did not make any progress and her family assumed she had died.

Imagine their shock when they found out that Sajitha is alive and well, more than ten years later, living happily with her lover in his room without the knowledge of his parents as reported India Times.

Rahman, who is an electrician, put his skills to use to fit an automatic lock to the room, which was always kept locked for others. He even went as far as to connect electrical wires which electrocuted his family members if they got too near. Rahman’s weird and erratic behaviour led his family to think that he was suffering from a mental illness. He also started having huge amounts of food but not eating in front of his family and bringing the food to his room, presumably to share it with Sajitha.

Sajitha would only leave the room secretly at night to use the toilet. The story broke when Rahman who had been missing for three months was spotted in a nearby town by his brother. When stopped by the police, Rahman told his brother that he was living with a girl in a rented house in a nearby village. When they were produced by the court, the couple pleaded that they had done all this in fear that their families would object to their relationship.

Let us know what you think of Rahman and Sajitha’s love story!


Also read: SG Man Cheats Family Of RM468K After Allegedly Being ‘Manipulated’ By Married Lover

Source: India Times
Source: India Times

The post Woman Presumed To Be Dead Was Actually Hiding In Boyfriend’s Room For 10 Years appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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