Sunday, July 25, 2021

“All vaccines work!” This Doctor Proves How Different Covid-19 Vaccines Offer The Same Protection

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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If you’ve been doubting if vaccines work, here are some answers.

Dr Anne Gabriel-Chan, a doctor in The Philippines specializing in Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease and is the current Chair of the HIV/AIDS Core Team of the Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center took to Facebook to share how different Covid-19 vaccines offer the same protection, based on her own first-hand experience.

According to Manila Bulletin, Dr Anne Gabriel-Chan shared pictures of chest X-rays of four patients who were infected with Covid-19 to encourage the public to get vaccinated.

Dr Anne Gabriel-Chan firstly explained that three of those patients had mild to asymptomatic cases as they have been fully vaccinated while one patient was not vaccinated and was experiencing shortness of breath. The unvaccinated patient was admitted into the intensive care unit (ICU).

As we start to see a rise of COVID-19 cases again, I want to share some of the our patients who were admitted just…

Posted by Dr. Anne Gabriel-Chan on Wednesday, July 21, 2021

In the first two pictures that show the x-rays of three vaccinated patients with three different vaccines, she wrote:

“Look at these x-rays! Ther are very very mild/minimal pneumonia to almost NORMAL chest x-rays!!!”

She added on saying, “These are fully vaccinated patients! When I say fully vaccinated, I meant that they had 2 doses already and AT LEAST 2 weeks from the second dose of the vaccine.”

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Chest x-ray of fully vaccinated patients

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Chest x-ray of fully vaccinated patients

The next two pictures show the x-ray of an unvaccinated patient. Dr Anne Gabriel-Chan wrote:

“This patient came in gasping for air. He had severe COVID, meaning he had very high oxygen requirement, needs to be admitted in an ICU set up and requires invasive procedure such as Hemoperfusion.”

She pointed out on the x-ray the areas where which were actually pneumonia.

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Chest x-ray of an unvaccinated patient

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Chest x-ray of an unvaccinated patient

In her following pictures, Dr Anne Gabriel-Chan reminded the public that any vaccine that is available to you can protect you against severe Covid-19 and hospitalization.

“Yes you can still get COVID-19 even if you’re fully vaccinated but most are mild. You will be more protected and reduce the possibility of becoming severe/placed in an ICU. #vaccineswork,” she wrote.

“No vaccine is superior to the other. Stop saying that those from the US are the best ones and China made are fake/low quality. Remember that these patients had different vaccine platforms and brands but all of them had mild to almost no symptoms at all.”

“All of them have served its purpose — prevent severe infection. So instead of team Pfizer vs. team Sinovac — let our mindset be: whether vaccinated or not! So whichever will be available on your vaccination day, please get protected before another surge comes up! Delta variant or not, this is still one of the most effective protection we can have!” she added.

The best vaccine is the one that is available to you! Register to get vaccinated today!

What are your thoughts on this article? Let us know in the comment section below!


Also Read: Malaysian Claims He’s Given Injection With NO Vaccine In Viral Video

Empty Syringe Vaccine Malaysia

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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