Thursday, July 8, 2021

“Got Delta cluster!” 1 Utama Says Viral Message Of Delta Variant Found In Mall Is Fake News

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

Some of you may have received this message in your WhatsApp groups on 7 July.

The message says that the delta variant has been detected in 1 Utama, causing a cluster there. The message then stated that a friend who seldom goes out has tested positive for Covid-19 after going to the mall to buy groceries. It was continued by the following statement: “Family of four- 3 died within 2 days.”

1 utama fake news on delta cluster


1 Utama issues statement

The said message has been forwarded many times as well. In response to the claims, 1 Utama has taken to Facebook to issue a statement that says such claims are bogus.

“We wish to state that this is FAKE NEWS and that there is NO DELTA variant case reported at 1 Utama to date and this is verified officially by KKM and Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah.”

They also asked the public to not circulate unverified messages and rumours that might create unnecessary panic during these challenging times. 1 Utama then reassured the public by saying that they are fully compliant with all SOPs to “safeguard the health and well-being of our employees, shoppers and tenants”.

One World Hotel Petaling Jaya Malaysia 1 Utama

Remember, when you see messages that seem like they are fake or have been forwarded many times, remember to double-check before sending it out!


Also read: MySejahtera HelpDesk “Hack” Will Not Help You Get Your Vaccination Appointments Faster

Pjimage 2021 07 05T132857.458

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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