Thursday, July 8, 2021

“Joke of the month” SG Customer Wants Full Refund Because Prawns Were Not Peeled

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

Ordering takeout has increasingly become more common nowadays as most of us have to stay home during this pandemic lockdown. Restaurants don’t always get our orders right but thankfully, there’s a function in food delivery apps for customers to get refunds for missing or wrong orders.

However, some customers think they can just use this function for ridiculous reasons, hoping to get a refund when they’re unsatisfied with the food.

On 4 July, Deanna’s Kitchen, a Singaporean restaurant that sells prawn mee, shared an experience they had with a customer.

They had sent an order to a customer using Deliveroo, but was informed by the food delivery service that the customer had asked for a refund because his prawns were not peeled.

Prawn Mee

“Joke of the month 😂. Our delivery partner Deliveroo emailed us to say that a customer who ordered prawn mee yesterday is asking for a full refund of a bowl of mee because the prawns came with shell,” the post said.

In the customer feedback page, the customer wrote, “Stated deshelled prawns but came with shell.”

Deanna’s Kitchen then wrote that based on the photo taken, the customer had already eaten 3/4 of the mee and all the clams.

Customer feedback for prawn mee

“But because of the prawns coming shelled instead of peeled, he/she sees the need to ask for a full refund,” they said.

They then expressed their hope that customers show more compassion towards small businesses.

“Dear customers, it is tough running a business in this climate and I hope more compassion will be shown to small businesses like ours.”

“We didn’t agree to the refund and we shall wait for an update from Deliveroo.”

Later, Deanna’s Kitchen updated the post saying that Deliveroo would not be deducting the refund from their sales.


“How ethical is it to eat 3/4 of the food then ask for a refund?”

Netizens expressed their sentiments in the comments, with many saying that what the customer did was uncalled for.

  • “This customer is a case of abusing the refund method to get free food, even something as minuscule as not de-shelled prawns he/she wanted a refund. There are a lot of such customers who abuse the refund method to get free foods in food delivery apps.”
  • “Ridiculous isn’t it! It’s not like your menu says deshelled prawns right. Terrible!”
  • “How ethical is it to eat 3/4 of the food then ask for refund. You did right to refuse the refund. ABSOLUTELY ABSURD!!!”
  • “What is it that they need the refund for? The huge amount of energy needed to peel the shells? Eat 3/4 of the food still ask for a refund.”

What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!

WORLD OF BUZZ has reached out to Deliveroo for a statement regarding this matter but has yet to receive a response at the time of writing.


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This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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