Wednesday, July 7, 2021

JPJ Staff Use Own Money To Buy Food & Hand It Out To The Homeless In Terengganu

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

The pandemic isn’t just causing people to lose their businesses, it’s also making some citizens lose the roofs above their heads.

Oftentimes, the homeless go unnoticed by society, but thankfully, some have stepped up to help them.

The Department of Road Transport (JPJ) team from Terengganu took to their Facebook page to showcase their initiative in keeping the homeless fed during this difficult time.

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They wrote, “The Operations Unit, through Team Bravo, has conducted an initiative and approach to help the homeless at the MBKT Bus Terminal in Kuala Terengganu, with the distribution of food packs. This assistance aims to help homeless people who need food, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.”

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It turns out that JPJ staff members used their own livelihoods to provide food for the homeless.

“A total of 10 people have received food donations. This contribution is the result of the Gerobox Rezeki programme, which was previously launched by the Director of JPJ in the state, through the contribution of JPJ staff members,”

“Apart from the homeless programme, the proceeds from Gerobox Rezeki’s donations will also help groups and families around Kuala Terengganu who need help with raw materials such as rice, flour, cooking oil, milk and sugar for daily use,” they added.

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Their efforts show that even the smallest of contributions can go a long way, as long as we work together.

“This programme has greatly benefited those in need,” they said, ending their post.

Let’s all do our level best to empower our community members by helping where we can.

What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.


Also read: Over 1,000 Sabah Factory Workers Raise White Flags As They Haven’t Received Salary In 3 Months

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This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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