Monday, July 26, 2021

“Sounds like yoga” Video Compares Calm SG Parliament Meeting vs M’sia’s ‘Shouting Match’

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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So, we’re guessing that everyone has heard by now, that the first Malaysian parliament sitting of 2021 did not go very smoothly. To sum it up, it was total chaos. And yes, it involved a series of shouting matches between the ministers.

The sitting was so uncontrolled that some used the opportunity to point out the stark difference between how Malaysia conducts their parliamentary sessions as opposed to how our Singaporean neighbours on the other side of the Causeway hold their meetings.

Lavinia took to her Twitter account to showcase a hilarious comparison between Malaysia’s parliament meeting and Singapore’s parliament meeting.

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She wrote, “Singapore parliament sounds like a guided yoga meditation application as compared to Malaysian parliament that’s just pure chaos.”

And true enough, in the clip she showcased, the Singapore parliament was conducted in a very calm manner. While one minister spoke, the others sat silently as they listened.

Whereas, when Lavinia showcased the Malaysian parliament in comparison, all that could be heard were loud inaudible shouts as multiple ministers attempted to get their points across at the same time.

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While it might seem entertaining to watch the utter chaos that is our parliament meetings, we can’t help but wish that our ministers would conduct themselves in the same professional manner as the Singaporean politicians.

After all, how will important matters such as Covid-19 policies and aid for the underprivileged be tabled if our country’s leaders are just shouting at each other.

We genuinely hope that our local politicians can see past their differences and focus on the well-being of the rakyat and the country.

In the meantime, you can watch Lavinia’s hilarious comparison video here:

What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.


Also read: First Parliament Sitting Of 2021 In Chaos After Emergency Ordinance Said To Be Revoked Since 21 July!

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Source: CNA

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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