Sunday, July 11, 2021

“They are voiceless” International Uni Students Forced To Pay Over RM2.5k For Quarantine Costs

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

Who are defending these students in their time of need?

As Malaysia’s borders continue to be closed, many international students find themselves tossed aside again and again. Unfortunately, we’re no strangers to the flip-flop of the government’s quarantine rules and these students have been facing the brunt of these actions.

A few international students reached out to WORLD OF BUZZ wanting their plights to be told as they’re currently feeling voiceless due to decisions made by the Education Malaysia Global Services and the Malaysian Immigration Department since the beginning of the pandemic.


What do these students want?

On 24 June, the EMGS implemented a new rule where all international students arriving in Malaysia must quarantine for 14 days and pay an estimated amount of RM2,600 regardless of whether they’re vaccinated or not. Abdul (name altered for privacy reasons), a final-year student from a prominent Malaysian university, said the international students feel that that this decision is unfair but they’re powerless.

Thus, he decided to start a campaign on an Instagram page where these international students could plead with EMGS to alter their decision.

“We think it is not fair for vaccinated students. On the other hand, international students inside Malaysia don’t want to go back to their homes because they can’t pay this huge amount and quarantine for 14 days.”


The students’ suggestions include:

  1. Exceptions from quarantine for vaccinated students arriving in Malaysia
  2. Reduction of the quarantine costs OR
  3. Reduce the quarantine period to seven days
  4. Allow the students to quarantine at their Malaysian homes


“Their education journey now looks bleak.”

Ahmed (name altered for privacy reasons) said that many international students are affected as their education journey hangs on the balance. In fact, some of his friends have decided to put their studies on hold as they’re unable to pay the hefty quarantine fee. Despite this, the students understand the need for proper precautionary measures to prevent unwanted infections. However, it is only fair to give exceptions for a reduced number of quarantine days imposed on vaccinated students.


“Multiple studies have consistently shown the efficacy of the vaccines and many countries have used vaccines as a tool to bypass quarantine measures or give exemptions.”

WORLD OF BUZZ has reached out to EMGS for a statement on their behalf.

emgs student response

They informed us that the EMGS is still yet to receive an update in regards to those who have been vaccinated. As of now, all travellers arriving in Malaysia are subjected to mandatory 14 days quarantine at designated government quarantine stations. The quarantine cost remains the same as previously announced.


Also read: Uni Students Are Losing Motivation To Study From Home, Here’s Why

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This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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