Monday, July 12, 2021

Unvaccinated Woman In Belgium Infected With 2 Covid-19 Variants At Once, Dies 5 Days Later

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

Just when we think that we are gaining an edge on the coronavirus, more dangerous variants are starting to rapidly appear. 

This case was reported in the European Congress on Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) 0n 11 July. It is said that the incident happened back in March and it involves an unvaccinated 90-year-old woman living in a nursing home in Brussels. The woman was taken to the hospital on 3 March 2021 and she had tested positive for Covid-19. However, her condition worsened over time and she passed away five days after testing positive, reported DW.

Elderly woman wearing white held by two men in black and white

For illustration purposes only.

First reported case of infection from 2 variants

Upon further testing, the woman was infected with two variants of Covid-19 and they are Alpha (from the UK) and Beta (from South Africa). Molecular biologist Anne Vankeerbergen from the OLV hospital said that it is probable that the elderly woman had caught the variants from different people but they are unsure how the infection had occurred, according to a report from REUTERS. It is believed that this is the first reported case where simultaneous infections from two variants have been detected.

Beta variant already spreading in Malaysia

Meanwhile, in Malaysia, Dr Noor Hisham has said that the border controls should be continued and heightened to minimise the Variants of Concern (VOC) such as alpha, beta and the most dangerous one being Delta. Other than that, it is said that the Beta variant has been discovered in almost all Malaysian states and it is believed that the variant is already in the community. However, Dr Noor Hisham has said that the current vaccines that we have are still effective against the variants.

Coronavirus white body red spikes

The Health Director-General has also said that if the vaccination rate continues at this pace then it is possible to reach herd immunity in September.

We definitely hope that herd immunity can be achieved as soon as possible! If you or a person close to you have not registered for vaccinations yet, please do so immediately! 


Also read: Recovered Covid-19 Patients Can Get Vaccinated, No Need To Wait 3 Months

Announcement 006

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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