Friday, July 2, 2021

“We were afraid” Elderly Women Take Down White Flag After Being Told It’s “Rude” & They’ll Be Fined

white flag

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Two elderly women in need took down their white flag out of fear after they were told that it was “rude” and that they would get fined for doing so.

“What kind of country do we live in until there are people out there afraid to ask for help?” said Kepong MP Lim Lip Eng.

In a Facebook post, he shared that he received information about a house in Kepong that had put up a white flag on the gate. He said it was late at night at the time and planned to deliver aid to the house the next day.

House in Kepong

However, when he arrived at the house the next morning, he found that the white flag had been taken down. Just to be sure, Lim tried to reach the residents in the house and not long after, two elderly women came out.

Lim then asked them if they had put up a white flag on their gate the night before and they replied, “Yes, but we took the flag down because someone told us that what we did was rude.”

“There were also people who told us that if we put it up, we would get fined, so we were afraid.”

Lim said that he later found out that the two elderly women currently live with their brother who used to work as a blacksmith. However, because of the Movement Control Order (MCO), he is no longer able to work.

Lim Lip Eng helping the needy

He said in his post that if information about this needy family was slow in reaching him, they would not be able to get help.

He then added that it is important to push aside feelings of shame when wanting to ask for help, and added that he understands it is sometimes difficult to be bold and ask for help.

“But during these challenging times, if you need help, just ask. There will definitely be someone who responds to the request. I can too!” he said.

“As a person who has been appointed by the people, it is already my responsibility to help those in need! Just fly your white flag if necessary without shame. I will look for you and I am willing to help.”

Thank you to Lim Lip Eng for your service to those in need!


Also read: M’sian Dries White Kitchen Cloth On Window, Kind Woman Asks If Everything Is Okay

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The post “We were afraid” Elderly Women Take Down White Flag After Being Told It’s “Rude” & They’ll Be Fined appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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