Sunday, August 29, 2021

ADUN Wants Religious Body To Monitor Expensive Covid-19 Funeral Costs

Funeral management costs are on the rise, especially with various ‘companies offering dry purification services to manage Covid-19 victims.

Perturbed at those who have allegedly taken advantage and charged fees as high as RM750 per service, Pelabuhan Klang ADUN Azmizam Zaman Huri passionately addressed the issue at the Selangor State Assembly for the state religious authority to take action.

“I am begging on behalf of those affected… I face them daily, not including those who are dying in hospitals. I want to tell you that managing Covid-19 victims is more than just a funeral service.”

“I know that managing Covid-19 victims differs from your usual funeral service. Now even dry purification is no longer allowed.”

“If not, they would charge very expensive fees, of up to RM750 per funeral service! Sadly, even with the dry purification service made no longer mandatory, there are still cases where families are charged with expensive funeral fees.”

“I urge the state religious department to look into this matter. This should not be the way.”

Netizens commenting on the video commended the ADUN for raising the issue.

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“What he said is true. My father was a Covid-19 victim and people at the funeral asked for the receipt to see how much they charged for my father’s funeral.”

“According to them, there were some who charged RM1,000 to RM2,000 for funeral fees.”

Another netizen shared that it is tougher for non-Malaysian citizens.

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“When my mother became a Covid-19 victim, we were charged Rm1.8k for an issuance from the embassy. The service was free to begin with. This did not include the cost for dry purification and burial.”

Let’s hope that the authorities will look into this and curb irresponsible practices by ‘businesses’ looking to make a quick buck.


Also read: Ismail Sabri: Each Ministry Needs To Prove Their Achievements Within 100 Days


Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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