Monday, August 23, 2021

Here’s How To Safely Donate Blood During A Pandemic WITHOUT Going To The Hospital!

Blood donation saves lives!

Since the Covid-19 outbreak last year, many have expressed their fears about exposing themselves to the virus when donating blood hence causing the number of blood donors to decrease. However, that doesn’t change the fact that hospitals are still in dire need of blood supply, especially given the current health situation in our country.

Blood shortage in Malaysian Hospitals

Astro Awani recently reported that Kedah is in critical need of blood supply. Dr Siti Nadiah Abdul Kadir, Kedah Transfusion Service Chief, said the existing blood supply will not be able to sustain them as the number of blood donors is declining.

Although elective surgeries are postponed at times as such, blood usage is still high as emergency cases such as road accidents or childbirth would still require more blood supply.

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Moreover, chronic anaemia and thalassemia patients would need continuous blood supply too.

“So, I call on the public to come forward to donate blood immediately to ensure that the treatment of patients who need blood transfusions is not affected,”

But it’s not just Kedah who needs help with their blood supply.

Earlier this year, Deputy Director 1 of the National Blood Centre, Dr Tun Maizura Mohd Fathlullah appealed to the public, especially blood donors, to come forward to donate their blood, for the use of the needy as well as to prevent the blood supply from falling to a critical level.

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Healthy people are encouraged to donate blood. While recovered Covid-19 patients are also allowed to donate blood, they are encouraged to undergo a recovery period of 3 months before doing so.

While the fear of contracting the virus while donating blood at the hospital should not be undermined, you should know that there are other ways to donate blood with minimal risk of infection! 


Not all blood donation drives are held in hospitals

The National Blood Centre told WORLD OF BUZZ that they send out their teams to various places to conduct mobile campaigns in areas such as shopping malls, offices, community areas, and army camps to reach the community and help them understand that not all citizens are available to travel to their static donation centres.

Check out their mobile campaign schedule here!

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The National Blood Centre also assured Malaysians that individuals are not at risk of contracting Covid-19 through the blood donation process or blood transfusion and Covid-19 screening will be conducted prior to collecting blood. The beds and equipment used for donors are cleaned instantly to avoid the spread of Covid-19.

Donors can now download blood donor registration forms and are advised to register as blood donors if they plan to donate within 24 hours after registration.



Aside from the initiative by the National Blood Centre, Malaysians who are interested in donating blood safely can also do so with BloodGo! The website is a real-time blood request and donation network that functions in connecting donors to the nearest blood donation event within their range.

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What’s great about this organisation is that they direct special blood requests to their donors too. Besides that, blood donation organisers can also utilise this software to post on the blood donation drives that are being organised.

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Blood donation is your responsibility

In accordance with Blood Donor Day celebrated on 14 June annually, this year’s slogan highlights the vital contribution of donors in their efforts to keeping the world pulsating by saving lives and improving health.

“Give blood and keep the world beating.”

You could be the reason someone makes it back to their family alive.

Be a hero now and sign up to donate blood today! 


Read Also: Attention Malaysians! Here’s How You Can Easily Swap Your Trash For Some Extra Cash

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Source: Astro Awani
Source: Astro Awani
Source: BloodGo
Source: BloodGo

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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