Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Huge Asteroid Larger Than London’s Big Ben Expected To Enter Earth’s Orbit On 29 August

An asteroid two times bigger than London’s popular landmark, Big Ben is expected to enter the Earth’s orbit at the end of this week.

But it’s not the end of the world just yet! This won’t be like the Armageddon scene you saw in the movies as the rock would be crossing the Earth at a safe distance of more than 4.8 million kilometres.


According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), they are now tracking the movement of this huge space rock named 2021 PT which is predicted to approach Earth this Sunday (29 August) as reported by the Daily Star.

The asteroid’s diameter is between 110 metres to 240 metres while Big Ben is just at the height of 96 metres. It is also reported to be moving at a speed of above 25,700 kilometres per hour. 

0 Asteroid approaching planet Earth elements of this image furnished by NASA

Meanwhile, NASA has also tracked another asteroid known as 2011 UC292 with a smaller diameter between 73 metres to 160 metres.

It had been moving at a speed of 30,743 kilometres per hour and just passed Earth at a safe distance of more than 3.2 million kilometres on 24 August.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!


Read Also: 2 Penang Boys Will Have An Asteroid Named After Them For Winning An International Chemistry Award


Source: Giphy

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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