Tuesday, August 3, 2021

JUST IN: Muhyiddin Yassin Is STILL Prime Minister, Vote Of Confidence To Be Held In September

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In his announcement today, Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that after discussion with his MP and the YDPA, the subject of his resignation was not brought up.

However, after the shocking announcement of UMNO repealing their support, the Prime Minister said he received a number of letters from members of the Dewan which assured him that he still has the confidence of the majority. Nonetheless, a confidence vote will be conducted in the Parliament in September.

“I know that they are less than happy with my assertiveness for not serving some of their demands. This includes the insistence that
I interfered in court affairs to acquit some individuals who are being prosecuted for criminal offences.”

The Prime Minister insisted that he will not sacrifice his principles and turn his back on the oath he made to his position to discharge all duties honestly and shed allegiance to the King and State and preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.

He also requested all public servants and frontliners to continue performing their duties despite the political turmoil happening in the country. Financial assistance and the vaccination programme will still resume as usual despite the political situation.

Let us know what you think of this!


Also read: JUST IN: UMNO Revokes Support From PN Government, Muhyiddin Loses Majority Vote

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This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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