Monday, August 30, 2021

M’sians Allegedly Barred From Johor PPVs For Wearing Ripped Jeans & Skirts With Slits

Last week, on 26 August, a pregnant woman in Batu Pahat, Johor was barred from entering a vaccination centre (PPV) because there was a small slit on her below-knee-length skirt.

According to China Press, the woman was wearing the same outfit she wore for her first dose, which was a red blouse with sleeves and a beige skirt that ended below the knee. Her husband said they didn’t have problems with their outfits during the first dose, but was stopped at the entrance during the second dose appointment.


“I immediately got down from my car to look at the situation, the staff said there’s a slit in the middle of my wife’s skirt, which is against the dress code, and there were also a few pregnant women before my wife who got rejected for violating the dress code,” the woman’s husband said.

“The other pregnant women, including his wife, were all dressed in skirts which were more than knee-length, with just a slit in the middle or by the side, which wasn’t even revealing, and yet they were considered against the dress code, which is baffling.”

The woman’s husband then pointed out that his wife was allowed to enter the PPV after turning the slit to the back while the other pregnant women who stayed nearby had to go home and change.

“My wife’s appointment was at 10am this morning and was supposed to be completed in half an hour, but she was delayed by an hour because of her clothing,” he said.


Ripped jeans not allowed either? 

Similarly, several others have also been barred from entering PPVs because their outfits seemingly went against the ‘dress code’.

Kluang MP Wong Shu Qi shared in a tweet that she received three complaints from both men and women in Kluang who faced similar experiences.

The outfits that the three individuals wore were ripped jeans and ankle-length jeans that get shortened when the wearer sits down. These pieces of clothing apparently went against the dress code and were not allowed into PPVs.


“It sounds very funny that we welcome cosplay but we don’t allow people who wear their normal clothes from going in PPV. Yes, their clothes may not be the “most modest” according to some definition, but it is not indecent also,” Wong said in her tweet.

Speaking to WORLD OF BUZZ, Wong said that people should be encouraged to take the vaccine instead of being discouraged with too many strict rules.

“Some guys wear the ripped jeans that they wear for their work to PPV after receiving last-minute appointments. They rushed to PPV to take their vaccine but was asked to go back home and change. We should encourage people to take vaccines and not discourage them with too many strict rules,” she said.

Previously, a woman was also barred from entering the PPV because she was wearing a dress that was slightly above knee length.

What do you think about this? Is this taking it too far? People just want to get vaccinated!


Also read: “Why is there a dress code?” M’sian Denied Entry Into Penang PPV For Wearing Skirt Above Knee Length

Dress Code Ft

Source: China Press

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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