Sunday, August 22, 2021

Tinted Windows On Cars Is One Of The Most “Popular” Traffic Offences Says Terengganu PDRM

It’s not uncommon to see cars with tinted windows when you’re driving on the street. But if you own one of those vehicles, you might want to reconsider reverting them back to their original condition.

The Terengganu Road Transport Department (JPJ) issued approximately 834 summonses involving the installation of tinted windows in operations throughout the state since last July.

According to Sinar Harian, Terengganu JPJ director, Zulkarnain Yasin said the use of tinted windows is among the six most ‘popular’ technical traffic offences in the state.

tinted window

According to him, the other five were:

  • Not having a Competent Driving Licence (CDL) (320 cases),
  • Carrying dangerous cargo (207 cases),
  • Registration number does not follow specifications designated (187 cases),
  • Vehicle modification offence (164 cases)
  • Not having a Goods Driving Licence (GDL) (15 cases)

“During the same period, a total of 27,561 vehicles were inspected, which involved 3,633 motorcycles, 16,470 cars, 2,078 other private vehicles, 611 involving buses as well as 10,565 vehicles carrying goods and 204 for other vehicles,” he said, as reported by Sinar Harian.


Zulkarnain said JPJ Terengganu recorded 115 transactions involving compound payments in just four days from 18 August to last Saturday after a 70% discount offer was made in conjunction with the 64th National Day celebration.

“The number of transactions shows a double increase when compared to the 17-day period from 1 August, before the compound offering which only recorded 308 transactions,” he said.

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comment section below!


Also Read: Time To Pay Your Summons! JPJ Is Offering 70% Discount Starting 18 August

Saman Ft

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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