Tuesday, August 24, 2021

“Why let dumb politicians ruin our lives?” Aussie Journalist Calls For MPs To Get IQ Tests

With the current political situation that is going on, we’re pretty sure that some of you have let out one or two…or maybe a stream of expletives.

Well, it appears as though Malaysia isn’t the only country struggling to grasp the seemingly hopeless political climate. Australian journalist, Peter Gleeson who was fed up with some of Queensland MPs, has publicly suggested that elected representatives should have their IQ tested as a mandatory requirement. This was said according to an opinion piece that he submitted to The Courier Mail.

queensland parliament australia

The idea behind this is that an elected official carries a heavy burden and that they should be up for that challenge. As the people in that state have an average of 99 in IQ, Peter believes that the politicians should have an IQ score above the average and if they don’t, then they should be sacked.

taking a test

He elaborates that this is because the elected representatives will need to “debate major laws and put policies into place.” He believes that some of the MPs along with a selected few in the current cabinet are just not fit for their role.

“Why let dumb politicians ruin our lives?”

This comes after the journalist questioned the state government’s seemingly relaxed approach against the issue of youth crime.

Well, this sounds like it could work. Do you think a policy like this would be effective if it was implemented in Malaysia? Share your suggestions with us in the comments! 


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Nz Ft

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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