Thursday, September 30, 2021

M’sian Warns Public Of New Tactic Where Robbers Disguise Themselves As Parcel Delivery Men

With Malaysians suffering through the pandemic with no jobs and no money to feed their loved ones, many are resorting to committing crimes in order to survive.

A new robbery tactic has recently been popping up in Kuching, Sarawak, where robbers are disguising themselves as parcel delivery men in order to raid and rob victims’ homes.

KEN (@ruffleseed) took to his Twitter profile to warn the general public of this new strategy used by burglars, sharing that there have already been two cases in his neighbourhood in Kuching, where they target ladies and elderly people living alone.

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He wrote, “Two cases in my rukun tetangga already. Parcel delivery imposters visit homes, especially ladies with children or elderly people who are alone. They will ask questions like, ‘There’s no name on this parcel, is it yours? Anyone else at home? It’s a heavy item, do you have any men at home to help?'”

Once these robbers gain a better understanding of how many people are in the house, or if there are no men in the house that may prevent their activities, they’ll return with their accomplices to rob the house.

“They’re preying on the current situation where delivery men are working part-time and not wearing uniforms,” added Ken.

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Hence, the most potential victims can do when faced with these situations is to lie and inform these ‘delivery men’ of their home situation.

“Please remind your partner or parents to pretend someone’s at home all the time. ‘My husband/son is sleeping‘, when being asked. Or ‘my husband/son is on their way home, can you wait?‘ to throw them off,” advised Ken.

It’s truly sad that we aren’t even safe in our own neighbourhoods and homes anymore and have to take every and all precaution to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.

We genuinely hope that logistics companies ensure their staff and delivery men (even the part-time ones) wear uniforms so that the general public can better identify legitimate delivery men from the imposters.

What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.


Also read: Ahmad Maslan Has Been Acquitted Of Charges By The KL High Court After Paying RM1.1 Mil Compound

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Source: 123rf
Source: 123rf

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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