Saturday, October 2, 2021

77yo Japanese Man Suffers From ‘Restless Anal Syndrome’ After Recovering From Covid-19

Based on a recent report published in BMC Infectious Diseases, a Japanese man is experiencing ‘deep anal discomfort’ several weeks after recovering from Covid-19. He was diagnosed to having ‘restless anal syndrome’ by the doctors at Tokyo University Hospital.

As reported by Business Insider, this condition is actually an unusual variant of restless leg syndrome (RLS) which usually occurs in the abdomen, bladder and mouth, but this is the first time it is observed in the anal region. The 77-year-old man experienced a restless discomfort about 10 cms deep in his anus. He explained that he had the urge to poop but after doing his deed, the feeling did not go away.

His condition got worse in the evening which is how restless leg syndrome is, and he got some relief with exercise, which is another trait of RLS. Further investigation with a colonoscopy revealed that there’s nothing wrong with the man’s rectum other than some haemorrhoids. No brain abnormalities, bladder disturbance, or erectile dysfunction were detected. He only experiences anxiety, insomnia and this restless feeling.

His condition started after he recovered from his respiratory symptoms and the doctors there mentioned that it was likely a post-Covid 19-related syndrome. He was treated with a drug to treat seizures, Clonazepam, and the discomfort went away.


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This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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