Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Deputy Minister: 76,786 Divorce Applications Were Filed Throughout The MCO Period

A total of 76,786 divorces were filed throughout the Movement Control Order (MCO) period in Malaysia from March 2020 to August 2021.

This accounts for 66,440 divorce applications involving Muslim couples and 10,346 cases involving non-Muslim couples, reported Berita Harian.

Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin said that five divorce applications involving Muslim couples were received by Syariah Courts nationwide every hour, which means that an average of 121 applications was filed within a day. Additionally, an average of 18 cases involving non-Muslims was recorded nationwide within a day.


“There are people filing for divorce as we speak in this hall. We’re worried too, that’s why I believe that although it’s not under the context or jurisdiction of the Parliament and the laws, lots of supportive systems have been given not only by this ministry,” she said.

“Lots have been done by other ministries to support these couples not just to ease their mental health, but also in terms of family support so they can continue living while facing tons of problems, especially the pandemic.”

She said this in response to a question by Kangar MP Noor Amin Ahmad on the support given to couples after divorce and the increase in the number of divorces in the country.

Mas Ermieyati stated, however, that the statistics of the Syariah Judiciary Department only showed the number of divorce applications filed, meaning that not all of them were approved or ended in divorce.


Meanwhile, Selangor recorded the highest number of divorce applications involving Muslim couples with 12,479 cases, followed by,

  • Johor (7,558)
  • Kedah (5,985)
  • Kelantan (5,982)
  • Perak (5,921)
  • Terengganu (5,098)
  • Pahang (5,058)
  • Sabah (4,010)
  • Federal Territories (3,854 )
  • Negeri Sembilan (3,473)
  • Penang (2,978)
  • Perlis (1,081)
  • Sarawak (561).

For non-Muslim couples, a total of 10,346 divorce cases were filed throughout Malaysia for the same period with Selangor recording the highest number of cases at 3,160 cases, followed by,

  • Kuala Lumpur (2,893)
  • Perak (1,209)
  • Johor (1,197)
  • Negeri Sembilan (861)
  • Melaka (449)
  • Pahang (386)
  • Kedah (76)
  • Kelantan (45)
  • Perlis (41)
  • Terengganu (29)
Understanding The Different Types Of Divorce

For illustration purpose only

According to Harian Metro, the Malaysian Syariah Lawyers Association (PGSM) recommends to the government to make counselling sessions compulsory for every couple who wants to file for divorce in a Syariah court.

President Musa Awang said that currently, counselling for couples who want to divorce is not an obligation or a must, but rather an option, adding that counselling sessions should not be limited to the State Islamic Religious Department only, but also open to certified counsellors registered with the Malaysian Board of Counselors (LKM) or syarie lawyers who have a certified mediation certificate.

“The State Islamic Religious Department must also take efforts to improve the academic level, quality and expertise of counselling officers from time to time,” he said.

“Divorce can be controlled or reduced by mandating a counselling session for every couple who wants to file for divorce. The couple must attach a counselling report or a letter confirming that they have gone through the counselling process before being allowed to file for divorce in the Syariah court.”

He said PGSM has suggested that if during the divorce proceedings there was no evidence showing that the couple had attended the counselling session, then the judge should instruct them to attend the counselling session first before their case is heard again.


Also read: Indonesian Man Marries His Beloved Rice Cooker…Only To Get Divorced 4 Days Later

Khoirul Anam Wedding 3

Source: Sinar Harian

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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