Sunday, October 31, 2021

Integrating Memes In Teaching: The White Flag Initiative Provides Free Tuition To All SPM Students

Free tuition on Discord with syllabus-related memes? Yes, it exists, in the White Flag Initiative.

The White Flag Initiative is founded by Christopher Cheong, a 22-year-old culinary arts graduate who has the sole purpose of helping the younger generation. “I saw how privileged my life was, and realise there are people with real-life struggles,” he said. The White Flag Initiative started previously during the Movement Control Order, when instead of providing the people with bags of rice and oil, he decided to give what he has — knowledge, thus the free education.

This initiative is nothing like the regarded education. “When we think of our country’s education, we think of bad education, and how the students do not like to study because it is boring and they are lazy, thus we want to reshape how education is perceived,” Cheong told WORLD OF BUZZ.

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The free tuition is targeted to the Form 4 and Form 5 students, with the SPM syllabus as the main syllabus. The tuition is conducted online on a Discord channel, with 13 tutors teaching 11 subjects in total.

“We want the students to actually love studying, instead of memorising and just merely wanting to pass the subject, thus we transform the boring textbook knowledge into something interesting,” the founder added. They do not only provide quizzes, videos, and PowerPoint slides but also come up with funny memes to make the subjects easier to remember.

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Another unique point of the White Flag Initiative is the FIFA player cards for each tutor, and that the students can rate their tutors and give comments on them.

Other than that, the initiative introduces bi-weekly games nights or movie nights together so that the tutors can get to know the students better, furthermore relieving their stress. There are also mental health awareness campaigns for students so they can seek help whenever possible.

When asked if he has the plan to formally register the White Flag Initiative as a business entity, Cheong said that he wants to, but the criteria are hard to hit.

“We are looking forward to fundings from the public or NGOs, since the tutors are working hard. The students did offer to donate but I have made a promise to provide free tuition, so I will try my best to not receive the money if I don’t need it. The donation needed is to run this whole organisation and for it to sustain in the future,” he added.

Cheong told WORLD OF BUZZ that their priority is to let people know that the White Flag Initiative exists and they are here to help. “There are 900 students registered on paper, but usually, only 60 to 80 students actually show up. I feel bad for the tutors who prepared all the materials,” he said, adding that they refuse to be treated as the last resort just because the tuition is free.

Unlike in the traditional classroom setting where only the teachers have a say, the tutors can be wrong sometimes too, in this organisation. “We see them as our younger brothers and sisters and want them to do well. They can correct us too. We hope they can feel like they’re a part of us and succeed in SPM,” he stated.

Lastly, Cheong reinforced that regardless of rich or poor, the White Flag Initiative will provide help as long as you need it. “But we also don’t want students to take this for granted just because it’s free. We put a lot of effort into it.”.

“Some politicians have all talk but no action. With the power of education and freedom of time at hand, we educate and empower the future leaders,” Cheong said. To register, donate, or know more about this free tuition initiative, click here to look for the White Flag Initiative’s contacts.

We appreciate the White Flag Initiative’s effort in providing free education to the students with interesting means of teaching materials. All the best!


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Ft Image Msian Won Gta 2021

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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