Monday, October 4, 2021

“It is okay to not be okay” Join This ‘Treasure Hunt’ & Learn All About The Signs of Mental Health Illnesses!

An exciting way to raise awareness on a topic that is still seen as taboo…

Mental health is not something new but unfortunately, it is still something that is not spoken about enough. However, Da Men USJ and Care Warriors Association are on a mission to change that perception.

In conjunction with World Mental Health Day which will be held on 10 October, Da Men USJ and Care Warriors Association have announced a Mental Health Hunt which will see teams participating in a hybrid treasure hunt at Da Men USJ, anytime between 22 October to 29 October from 10 am to 6 pm.

Mental Health Hunt poster


To begin the hunt, participants will scan a QR code located at Da Men’s reception desk. Then, as part of the hour-long hunt, the participants will have to answer 20 questions which are based on the topic of mental health and general knowledge. They will also be required to snap selfies at every stop and search for two “treasure items”. 

Da Men USJ General Manager of Marketing, Evelyn Woon said that the “Mental Health Hunt” is part of the #DaMenCares campaign which is the mall’s corporate social responsibility initiative.

Woon also mentioned that Da Men USJ is proud to host the second Mental Health Hunt with the Care Warriors Association after the success of the inaugural Mental Health Hunt which saw 100 participants in 2019.

“As a community-friendly mall, we strive to serve the Subangnites by providing a space for community endeavours such as the Mental Health Hunt,” she added.  

The Care Warriors Association was founded by Subang Jaya Assemblywoman YB Michelle Ng back in 2019 amid dire concerns surrounding mental health among youths in the community. The Association is dedicated to raise awareness on mental illness, depression and suicide prevention.

MichelleNg FB


Ng said that mental health has been a key focus during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“With the rising number of mental health cases, the challenges surrounding the taboo nature of the topic has become more prominent.”

“That is why community events such as the Mental Health Hunt are crucial in raising awareness and educating the public on such issues,” added Ng.

With the event, they hope to provide an open and safe environment to talk about mental illness and shine the light on the importance of caring for our own mental health and wellbeing amidst the pandemic.

Additionally, they also hope that the Mental Health Hunt will help remove the negative stigma surrounding mental illness, and assure the people that it is okay to be not okay.

mental health


“Everyone and anyone is encouraged to take part in this fun activity! I am definitely looking forward to it,” said Ng.

Meanwhile, Mental Health Hunt 2021 chairperson and Care Warriors Association treasurer, Har Yin Geong, said that the goal of the Mental Health Hunt is to raise awareness on the importance of mental health and to empower the Subang community through a wellness-oriented approach. 

har yin geong


“We hope that by highlighting this topic, people will learn to recognise the signs of mental health illnesses in themselves and others, and be able to intervene and provide support at the right time,” he said.

Registrations for the Mental Health Hunt have commenced since 22 September and be available till 28 October. You can register here.

The terms and conditions for the hunt include:

  • Each team must have two participants aged between 18 to 60,
  • Each person is required to pay a registration fee of RM25, which includes an event t-shirt and souvenir.
  • The ten fastest teams to complete the Mental Health Hunt will win cash vouchers amounting to RM950.

The Mental Health Hunt 2021 virtual closing ceremony will be held on 31 October at 2pm on the Care Warriors Association’s Facebook page, and a prize presentation ceremony will be held on 6 November at Da Men USJ, which will be officiated by YB Michelle Ng.

For more information about the Mental Health Hunt, visit Da Men USJ’s Facebook page and Care Warriors Association’s Facebook page

Mental health is certainly crucial especially during tough times like these and we are glad that events are being held to raise awareness on this issue.


What do you think of this? Let us know in the comments below!


Also read: Suicide Rates In M’sia Have Increased By 143% , We Need To Stop These Rising Figures Now!

My Post 2021 09 10T191823.333

Source: Edge Prop
Source: Jakarta Post
Source: SJ Echo

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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