Saturday, October 16, 2021

Khairy: Various Difficulties Await Anti-vaxxers & This Will Continue Until They Get Vaccinated

The government will take a stern approach against those who refuse to receive Covid-19 vaccines by continuing to impose various difficulties on them, said Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin.

However, he said for those who could not be vaccinated due to health reasons, would not face any difficulties as they would be given the MySejahtera digital exemption. As quoted by BERNAMA, he said,

“I’m sorry to say, if you don’t want to receive the vaccine of your own choice, then we will make your life difficult, and it will continue that way. Can’t eat in restaurants, can’t go to the mall, and we will also release the National Testing Strategy next week. There is a possibility that they (who refuse to take the vaccine) will be asked to test according to a certain frequency, which will have to be borne by themselves. This is to ask you to get vaccinated.”

He said this in a press conference after officiating the 11th National Acute Myocardial Infarction Course organized by Selayang Hospital. Meanwhile, Khairy said individuals who needed a booster dose to meet the conditions set by certain countries to enter the country, including performing umrah, could apply to the Ministry of Health through the MySejahtera app, and the dose is expected to be given starting this month.


Also read: Khairy: Quarantine Period For Vaccinated Travellers Returning To M’sia Shortened To 7 Days

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This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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