Sunday, October 17, 2021

PM: Stern Action Against Anti-Vaxxers Is Not To Put Them Into Hardships, But To Protect The Nation

“I’m sorry to say, but trouble awaits you if you refused to get vaccinated.”

That was the warning given by the Health Minister, Khairy Jamaluddin to those who still refuse to receive their vaccinations. However, those who could not get vaccinated due to health reasons will not face any difficulties as they will be given the digital exemption via the MySejahtera applications.

While some may think Khairy’s approach to be too strict, Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Ismail Sabri assured that the stern actions are not meant to put anyone into hardships, but rather a safety measurement to protect the nation.

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According to Astro Awani, Sabri said that the anti-vaxxers are only making life difficult and tough for themselves and not the government who is constantly making it tough for them. This is because unless vaccinated, they do not have the luxury to move around the country freely, unlike the fully vaccinated individuals.

“They can’t even enter the mosque, the malls, and travel out of the state,” he emphasized, comparing the access that the fully vaccinated people have and the anti-vaxxers don’t have. 

He also added that if the anti-vaxxers refuse to protect themselves, they should at least put the safety of the others into consideration, as the decisions to be unvaccinated may put others’ health in jeopardy.

“As the government, it is our duty to protect the nation, but not the small amount of people that refused to get vaccinated.”

In the meantime, Sabri also said that the stern actions against the people who refused to get vaccinated are not only implemented by the Malaysian government, but also in the other countries in efforts to curb the pandemic as there are people around the world who are against the vaccines.


As of 17 October, a total of 93.8% of Malaysian adults have been fully vaccinated, while 97.2% of the adults in the country have received at least one jab of the vaccines, as reported by The Special Committee On Covid-19 Vaccine Supply (JKJAV).

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What do you think of this? Let us know in the comments below!


Also read: M’sia May Reopen Borders To Vaccinated Travellers From Selected Countries, No Quarantine Needed

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Source: Astro Awani
Source: The Atlantic
Source: Twitter

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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