Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Starting 1 November, You Can Travel Interstate To Sabah For Tourism & Social Activities

Going overseas for a trip as of now might be impossible for a lot of us, however, you can cross the South China Sea to Sabah starting 1 November!

In a press release by the Sabah Chief Minister that was sent through the National Security Council’s Telegram channel, it is said that Sabah’s vaccination rate has surpassed the 70% mark.

mount kinabalu sabah

Hence, the government is giving freedom to Sabahans to finally cross districts starting from 14 October. These are the people who are eligible to do so: fully vaccinated individuals, teens (12-17) who have received at least one dose of vaccine and children (below 12) accompanied by fully vaccinated parents.

Other than that, the state government has also said that starting 1 November, West Malaysians can travel to Sabah for tourism and social activities! However, there are a few prerequisites for that.

  • Adults must be fully vaccinated, teens (12-17) must have had at least one dose of the vaccine and children (below 12) must be accompanied by fully vaccinated parents, &
  • Must have had done a COVID-19 RT-PCR or RTK-Ag (Swab/Saliva) test three days prior to the journey.

sabah sea tourism

This is certainly good news! Now that we are free to travel please make sure that you are doing so in a responsible manner where you abide by all the SOPs in order to protect yourself and the people around you! 


Also read: KKM: Covid-19 Test No Longer Required For Tourists Travelling To Langkawi Starting 12 Oct

Langkawi 2

Source: Fahrul Azmi

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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