Monday, January 31, 2022

Kelantan Seller Goes Viral For ‘Rainbow Pigeons’, Vet Explains Why That’s A Bad Thing

Recently, a post on a pigeon seller from Kelantan had gone viral, after he spray-painted the pigeons in ‘rainbow’ colours in an attempt to attract potential customers.

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The seller said that the tactic of spray-painting the birds had opened up a ‘door of livelihood’ for him, but many have since pointed out that his livelihood is made from torturing the poor birds.

Veterinarian, dr.ima_vet, took to her Twitter profile to share how harmful the spray paint is to the pigeons, and is urging the general public to be more mindful towards animal cruelty.

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She wrote, “I am sorry. This is NOT funny at all. Rainbow pigeons? Opening the ‘door of livelihood’? What?”

“There’s no need for this kind of news to be news. This is so sad. Even those who go and buy, I don’t understand. No demand, no supply.”

It turns out that the spray paint shown in the pictures are normally used to paint bicycles and cages.

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“Do you know? Any kinds of strong smells (in this case, this spray paint would smell strong), is dangerous to the birds! Please, use your brains. This is called animal cruelty.”

She went on to share that her posting isn’t meant to place judgement onto the seller, but to create awareness on such situations.

Samurai Paint, Malaysia (the brand of spray paint used on the pigeons) has since also released a statement announcing their disapproval over the ‘rainbow pigeons’.

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“We at Samurai 2K Aerosol do NOT endorse or allow our products to be used on animals, under any circumstances. Samurai will also not be responsible for anything that happens due to misuse involving our products, especially if it is used on animals,”

“Samurai requests that consumers take responsibility for protecting and looking after the welfare of these animals,” they wrote.

While it is understandable that there are many out there who are struggle to earn a livelihood, but earning money should never be a reason to torture innocent animals.

We genuinely hope that the seller stops spray-painting the poor pigeons and find a better way towards making a living.

What do you think of these ‘rainbow pigeons’? Share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: Angry Taiping Man Damages Car After Driver Hit Father & Killed Dog Who Were Going For a Walk

My Post 2022 01 28T101738.513

Source: dr.ima_vet
Source: dr.ima_vet
Source: dr.ima_vet
Source: dr.ima_vet

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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