Friday, March 4, 2022

48 Motorcycles Were Devastated In A Fire At PPR Intan Baiduri

48 motorcycles and four cars were burnt down in a fire that took place at the ground floor of Block C PPR Intan Baiduri, Kuala Lumpur.

Believed to be the work of an arsonist, the fire began circa 4.20am and was caught on video, before it went viral on social media.

Here is what took place.

According to Sentul Police Chief ACP Beh Eng Lai, the police received a call at 4.21am and firemen arrived at the scene around 4.39am.

“The fire was put out at 4.56am. No one was injured in the incident. The fire began when the culprit set one motorcycle on fire before it spread to others.”

It is estimated that the loss will be around RM300,000.

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Let’s hope that the police will get to the bottom of this and capture the culprit responsible.


Also read: Govt-Linked Company In Johor Claims MUDA Trespassed & Used Their Site As Operation Centre

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Source: Twitter

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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