Sunday, March 27, 2022

“Do your damn half” – M’sian Uni Student Writes Savage Email To Groupmate Who Did Nothing

Group assignments and projects can either be a blessing or a pain and it all depends on your groupmate.

If you get those who actually put in their effort, you’re in for a fun educational time but if you became groupmates with freeloaders then you just have to do everything yourself.

However, this age-old problem is unavoidable and many have tried different methods to get their groupmates to do work.

woman working on laptop angrily

Recently, a uni student has shared a template of a savage email to all the struggling group leaders out there.

With the way it starts, we already know it’s a good one.

“Oi f*cker, I’ve sent you more than enough emails to get you to do the damn assignment which took me literally 45 minutes to complete.”

The email was sprinkled with lots of bolded, underlined, italicised words to give emphasis and it was tied up nicely with a threat at the end.

“I’ll f*cking fail you my guy, I will not hesitate to let the professor know that you’ve done f*ck all for this group assignment.”

Here’s the whole email for you to enjoy and replicate if you ever need to.

group assignment email 1

Many netizens liked this email to the point that it has garnered 2,000 shares and more than 800 comments.

A netizen shared his own experience and felt that for small assignments this might be an overreaction.

savage email 3

“I used to be the group leader for each group. I told my team members how much they have to do and how much I will do. I even finished 100% of an assignment once and let them attend the presentation. I feel that this kind of small project is nothing much, when you do more, you learn more.”

Some say that the template came too late as they have graduated.

savage email

While others are tagging their friends so that they can keep it for future uses.

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Smart move.

Now, all we need is for someone to make a corporate version of this, so let’s circle back soon and keep us in the loop in the comments!


Also read: M’sian Senior Lecturer Criticises Another Lecturer For Trashing Assignments Submitted Late

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This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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