Thursday, March 24, 2022

M’sian Gets His Myvi Damaged By Woman in KL For Allegedly Double Parking

The difficulties in finding a parking spot, especially during peak hours have prompted some drivers to double park for their convenience. Most of the time, they don’t leave their contact numbers behind.

Recently, a man double-parked his Blue Myvi someplace in Pandan Indah, KL and what happened after that may serve as a reminder for him to not double park in the future. A video that shows a woman in red damaging his car by breaking the side mirror has been shared by Facebook page Pandan Indah.

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The Myvi owner went to his office in Pandan Indah on Wednesday evening (23 March) and after making a few rounds, he still could not find himself a parking spot. That prompted him to double park below his office. To his defence, he said:

“The white car that was parked beside me was my colleague’s. I even left my name card and phone number on the dashboard.”

He was surprised to come down from his office and find out that his side mirror has been damaged. The video was recorded and shared with him by the shop owner just in front of his office. As for the identity of the woman in red, he said that he stays in PJ and only travel to Pandan Indah for work, so he does not know who the woman is.

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A police report has been lodged and he admitted that it was his fault to double park. The police may also be issuing a fine to him. However, he feels that the woman in red owes him an explanation for her actions. He left his phone number in the post and hoped that the woman in red will reach out to justify the incident. You can watch the full video below.

网友Kenneth Chew分享:真的没想到这件事也会发生在我身上,我同事在pandan indah工作4年了都没出现过这个问题。事发情况是这样的…就在昨天23/3/2022下午时段我来到公司有紧急事情要处理,我转了几个圈也找不到位置,我就double park在公司楼下(p/s: 我double park的白色车辆是我同事的车也是认识的,我也放了电话号码和卡片在dashboard )我承认double park是我的错 我也跟警方认错了,他们会考虑开罚单来给我。每当我处理完事情下楼时发现我的车已经被恶意损坏(p/s:我本人是住在PJ,只是来pandan indah工作,也不认识破坏我车的人,也没得罪过这边的人)影片是我处理完事情下楼问了附近的店,对面的热心店主发给我的。希望各大网友们或者住在pandan indah区的网友们能帮我找到这个auntie给我个交代。事发时间大概在4点至6点之间,有人路过或拍到视频都可以发给我(messenger/Whatsapp 012-6301512)谢谢你们🙏🏻(有人看到她损坏后上了一辆银色myvi旧款一点的,车牌7320)#ampang #pandanindah #selangor #kualalumpur

Posted by Pandan Indah on Thursday, March 24, 2022


You double-parked, so you’re at fault 

Netizens have expressed their take on the incident and most of them sided with the woman as double parking has caused a lot of inconvenience to other road users.

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“The aunty should’ve damaged all 4 wheels, then the front and back windscreen.”

To double park is undeniably a risky decision to make as it does not only bring inconvenience, it may also endanger other road users. Do you think the driver deserved it, or do you think the woman had taken it too far?


Also read: WATCH: Woman In Sri Petaling Spotted For Being “Human Parking” & Netizens Are Enraged

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This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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