44-year-old Malaysian actor Erry Putra came under fire recently after he posted several photos in an Instagram post with a lewd and straight up offensive caption. The photos, which are shots from an undisclosed film or TV show that he is starring in showed him on set with a female co-star are accompanied by the caption, “Rogollll time ” which means ‘raping time’ in English.
Seriously? Can’t he or anyone that’s managing his social media account not see how inappropriate that caption is?
A screenshot of the Instagram post has since gone viral on social media, with many Malaysians on Twitter slamming the actor for such a lewd caption. One particular Twitter post by @deathcashdoll which criticised Erry Putra’s actions has gotten over 9,939 likes and 6,253 retweets, with many condemning the rape joke.
Some even suggested that the caption is just a ‘rogue’ promotional strategy for his upcoming film or TV show and compared it to the leaked racy scene of the ‘Perempuan Itu’ drama series posted by fellow actor Zul Ariffin. The latter has since come under fire from the authorities and is currently under investigation by the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).
Erry Putra’s lewd caption regarding rape has since sparked a movement to stop normalising making sexual assault as a laughing matter or a joke material. While not mentioning Erry Putra by name, Malaysian actress Sharifah Amani’s recent tweet urging for an end to rape jokes and stopping rape culture is believed to be in response to the actor’s action.
In the tweet, Sharifah shared a poster by Apa Khabar Anak Seni which stressed that rape is not a laughing matter accompanied by the hashtags #NoMoreRapeJoke and #StopRapeCulture at its bottom.
Following the backlash, Erry Putra has temporarily made his Instagram account private. No official statement has been released by the actor as of the time of writing.
What do you guys think of the whole situation? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.
Also read: Malaysians Are Unimpressed With Racy Scenes From A Local Drama Set To Air For Ramadhan
This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.
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