Monday, March 7, 2022

WATCH: Motorcyclist At Kedah Traffic Light Shoots Slingshot At Passing Cars

Road users have many things they have to look out for while driving or riding. From potholes to pedestrians, drivers and motorcyclists always have to keep their eyes peeled for risky or dangerous situations.

And for those in Kedah, one of these dangerous situations is turning out to be a motorcyclist with a slingshot.

The 我们是马来西亚人 We are Malaysians Facebook page recently shared a video showcasing a man on a motorcycle at what looks like a traffic light, shooting a slingshot at other road users. The incident allegedly took place in Sungai Petani, Kedah.

slingshot 3

In the video, the motorcyclist can be seen shooting off the slingshot at a number of passing vehicles.

slingshot 2


While many condemned the man for his actions, others mainly criticised the other motorcyclists at the traffic light for not doing anything to stop him.

slingshot 4

“The motorcyclists next to him pretending like they don’t know better.”

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“Those to his left and right are just watching? It’s true that people nowadays often just watch without making preventive moves. Looking at this guy, he seems like he has mental problems.”

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“The others are just watching.”


While we understand that confrontations can become dangerous, a simple ‘don’t do that’ could have gone a long way.

Perhaps now with the video circulating online, the proper authorities can seek out the man and take the appropriate action and who knows, if the man is mentally unstable, he may get the help he needs.

We just hope no one was hurt during the man’s antics.

You can watch the video here:

PPW 4533

Sungai Petani, Kedah🤬PPW 4533Lastik the car?!!谁的车中招?!!#PDRM

Posted by 我们是马来西亚人 We are Malaysians on Monday, March 7, 2022

Have you ever encountered slingshots on the road? Share your experiences in the comment section.


Also read: Woman In Changkat Attempts To Scam Road User, Netizens Encouraged To Invest In Dashcams

My Post 2022 02 28T151313.795

Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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