Saturday, March 19, 2022

Watch: This Malaysian Explains How Detached We Are From The True Meaning Of Ramadhan

Ramadhan is a time that Malaysians look forward to as it is a month where food takes centre stage, buffet promotions run rampant on social media and basically a month when you can go back early from work.

But is that Ramadhan’s true meaning? Taking to social media, this Malaysian, who is a devout Hindu, explains Ramadhan is more than just what it is today – sharing key takeaways of what he thinks the upcoming holy month is supposed to be about.

Identified as Dr Balachandran G Krishnan, here is what he has to say about Ramadhan.

“Ramadhan is a month where you devote yourself to God.”

“It is not about the Ramadhan buffets and the bazaars.”

“The whole thing (meaning) of Ramadhan is gone. At 3pm people are already thinking about what they want to eat during breakfast.”

“That is not the way Ramadhan is supposed to be.”

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He adds that the true meaning of Ramadhan was witnessed during the nationwide lockdown that took place during MCO.

“The real Ramadhan can be observed during MCO – people were engulfed in prayers, eating in moderation at home and Tarawikh at home.”

“Ramadhan should not be a month that we only think about food…we should think about our spiritual growth instead. “

Garnering over 30.5k likes, many appreciated Dr Balachandran’s sharing, which is what Muslims are supposed to focus on during the month of Ramadhan.


Also read: M’sian Food Delivery Rider Shows of His Degree Certs After Being Accused Of Fishing For Sympathy

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Source: Facebook

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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